Women'sGrievance Cell
  • About
    Women's Grievance Cell is established to ensure safety and security in working/studying environment for women in Nirmala College Of Pharmacy. All female students, faculty and staff of Nirmala College Of Pharmacy are members of Women's cell.

    • To work towards a gender-sensitive community in which women and men are equal participants in society
    • To be a forum for open dialogue and discussion on gender issues for men and women

    Every citizen of the country, male and female, enjoys the right to education and employment in an environment of safety and security. The Constitution of India provides for 'Gender Equality' and the 'Right to Life and Liberty' to all persons under Articles 14, 19 and 21. It is thus the duty and mandate of every organization to provide for maintenance of the fundamental rights to live and work with dignity for all employees, male and female.

    At the same time, persons sometimes face violations of their fundamental rights. This necessitates the establishment of safeguards to provide gender equality. Due to the historical reasons, working women often face difficulties and challenges at the workplace, thereby necessitating the need for protective measures that safeguard women's rights and safety. Keeping in this, the Women's Cell of Nirmala College Of Pharmacy has been established.

    Aims and objectives of the Women's Cell
    • To facilitate a gender-sensitive environment enabling women and men to maximize their potential
    • To provide a safe working environment in which women and girls can work and study without threats to their safety
    • To safeguard the issues and concerns of all women and girls working and studying in the institute
    • To deal with cases of workplace sexual/psychological/emotional harassment in a timely, appropriate and just manner

    Activities proposed as part of the Women's Cell
    • Gender sensitization lectures and workshops for students/faculty/staff
    • Lecture series by eminent academicians and inspirational personalities
    • Competitions on gender themes to encourage students to think about gender issues
    • Institution of awards to outstanding and deserving female students and staff
    • Celebration of International Women's Day
    • Career guidance and career counseling for women
    Utmost care would be taken to approach the issue in a sensitive manner and protect the confidentiality and dignity of persons involved.



We are affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University & approved by AICTE & PCI (Pharmacy Council of India), New Delhi, India.

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08645 - 236722
C.Code for B.Pharm,Pharma D & M.Pharm : NRML
C.Code for D.Pharm : NCPA
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